Mayor Mark Tettemer 

Re-elected: November 2022
Term Expires: November 2026 
Represent: District 4
Email Mark Tettemer

More about Mayor Mark Tettemer

Mark and his wife Brenda have lived in Lake Forest for over 20 years. They raised their two children in Lake Forest and are proud to call Lake Forest home. Mark, who works for a regional water agency, has an undergraduate degree in Business Administration and a master's degree in Public Administration.

Since moving to Lake Forest in 1995, Mark has volunteered in the community in many ways. Mark has been active with PTA, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts. Mark served on the City's 10th Anniversary Committee, the City's Parade Committee, and the Kiwanis Club of Lake Forest. Mark was the Chair of the American Cancer Society's "Relay for Life" in 2006 and 2007, the first two years of this community event. Mark also volunteered at the Lake Forest 5K, El Toro High School "Grad Nite" and was the President of the El Toro Boys' Volleyball Booster Club.

Mark, having served on the City of Lake Forest's Planning Commission from 2002 to 2004, was first elected to City Council in 2004 and was re-elected in 2008. Mark served as the Mayor of Lake Forest in 2008 and 2009. Mark also represented the City of Lake Forest on the Orange County Fire Authority from 2006 to 2012 as a Board Member, a member of the Executive Committee, and as the Chair.

Mark's priorities include:

  • Financial stability and balanced budgets,
  • Public safety,
  • Improving traffic and addressing parking concerns,
  • Delivering efficient and effective City services,
  • Attracting and retaining local businesses, and
  • Ensuring Lake Forest is a safe, attractive, and vibrant City.

Mark notes that:

"Much of the area we know as Lake Forest was planned and constructed before the city was formed. On December 20, 1991, Lake Forest became a city. Since then, the City and community have been working together to improve Lake Forest by pursuing the services and facilities we desire. While much has been done since 1991, I look forward to working with residents and businesses to help achieve even more through thoughtful planning, education, communication, collaboration, and prudent financial decisions. My hope is that we can be a model of achievement in Orange County and beyond. My belief is that it's important not only what we achieve, it's important how we achieve it."

Mayor Pro Tem Scott Voigts 

Re-elected: November 2022
Term Expires: November 2026
Represent: District 3
Email Scott Voigts

More about Mayor Pro Tem Scott Voigts

Scott Voigts has been a resident of Lake Forest since 1978, grew up in the community, and volunteered for his daughter’s school and soccer team.
Scott and his wife, Stephanie, both attended school in the Saddleback Valley and have stayed in the community they grew up in because they believed it was the perfect place to raise a family. Scott and Stephanie have been happily married for 34 years and have a daughter, who is their pride and joy, and now attending college studying Architecture.
In 1991, Scott was involved in a catastrophic construction accident that nearly cost him his life and left him paraplegic. A carpenter by trade, Scott fell from a bridge overpass that he was working on, as the scaffolding gave way. It hasn’t slowed him down though.
Scott is active in his church and the O.C. Chamber of Commerce, he also serves as a Board Member on the Transportation Corridor Agency, Southern California Association of Government, Orange County Council of Government, Local Remote Access Network Board (RAN Board) and is the President of the Saddleback Republican Assembly - California Republican Assembly, in addition, Scott serves on the California League of Cities Revenue and Tax Committee and is a member of the Mission Viejo Elks Lodge. Scott is also very honored to work as District Director to Orange County Supervisor Donald P. Wagner, Chairman of the Board Third District.
Scott’s Personal Statement: “My family and faith in God are what helped me get through my 1991 accident, the most difficult time in my life. My faith is a driving force behind my passion to serve my community. My motto is: ‘Let us strive to make a difference.’  I am committed to limited government, fiscal responsibility, local business growth, and an adherence to the Constitution.”

Council Member Doug Cirbo

Elected: November 2020
Term Expires: November 2024 
Represent: District 1
Email Doug Cirbo

More about Council Member Doug Cirbo

Doug and his wife Kathy, who married in 1983, reside in Portola Hills where they raised their two sons and have enjoyed quality of life there since 1986.  

After graduating from high school in Arvada, Colorado, Doug enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. in 1976 and served until separating from his final duty station at MCAS El Toro.  Working full-time and attending college courses in the evenings, he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the California State University at Fullerton with a business degree in MIS (Management Information Science).

For 3 decades, Doug has successfully enjoyed his vocation in the Telecom industry working for major manufacturers of Voice Over Internet Protocol Telephone Systems, supporting partners for their end-user businesses.

Community Service has been a large part of Doug’s life in the City of Lake Forest, serving in volunteer roles as Tournament Level Umpire in District 55 Little League Baseball for a decade, as well as serving 23 years in AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) as an Advanced Coach, Advanced Referee, Instructor, Regional Commissioner for Region 85 Lake Forest, and Area Director for South Orange County with over 15,000 children. Doug has also played in the Saddleback Church Orchestra and Children’s Ministry for 10 years.

Fun facts, Doug’s talents include being a saxophone musician, amateur magician, game show contestant on ABC, as well as an accomplished bowler.  He also enjoys a variety of sports, teaching 5th and 6th graders at Terra Nova Church, and walking their mini Labradoodle puppy (with pick-up bags always on the leash!).  Time with friends and family, when available, along with Kathy’s hospitality are life’s simple pleasures his family appreciates so much in our fabulous community.

Council Member Robert Pequeño 

Elected: November 2020
Term Expires: November 2024 
Represent: District 5
Email Robert Pequeno

More about Council Member Roberto Pequeño

Robert and his wife Angela have lived in Lake Forest since 1989. They raised their two sons in Lake Forest and they both attended Saddleback Valley Unified School District schools.

After retiring from the United States Marine Corps in 2004, he went on to serve with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.  He became the Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s first-ever Homeless Liaison Officer, bringing innovative solutions to homelessness right here in Lake Forest. He retired from the Sheriff’s Department in March of 2020 as a Sergeant.

Robert served on the City of Lake Forest Traffic and Parking Commission from 2018 to 2020. He was also a member of the Lake Forest 2040 General Plan Committee.

In addition to his careers in the United States Marine Corps and Orange County Sheriff’s Department, his community service includes: Vice President, Saddleback Valley Pop Warner Chief Umpire, Saddleback Little League Vice President, El Toro High School Wrestling Booster Club Board Member for Coast to Coast, non-profit that helps the homeless in Orange County

Council Member Benjamin Yu 

Elected: November 2022
Term Expires: November 2026
Represent: District 2
Email Benjamin Yu

More about Council Member Benjamin Yu

Benjamin Yu was born in the Liaoning Province of mainland China, immigrated to the United States with his mother in the late 90s, and grew up in Elmhurst, NY. He is an ethnic Chinese of Manchu origin. In 2000, Benjamin was baptized at the Reformed Church of Newtown, one of the NYC historical landmarks.

The 9/11 terrorist attack occurred while Benjamin was working for a firm on Wall Street and attending college full-time at night. He set aside his career to enlist in the US Army. His service brought him across the continental United States. A disabled veteran for his injuries incurred in the line of duty, Benjamin has been a strong advocate for veteran issues since then. He is a life member of Disabled American Veterans and a member of the American Legion.

Later on, he worked as a defense contractor in the Pacific Northwest, where he returned to college with GI Bill. In 2016, he relocated to Lake Forest for a better quality of life and its proximity to Saddleback Church. 

Benjamin is an entrepreneur who deeply cares and generously gives back to his communities. His business experience centers on transcontinental business development, hospitality, and investment.

In addition to his business career and military service, his recent community work includes board member, Baker Ranch Homeowner Association, 2018-2022; commissioner, the City of Lake Forest Traffic & Parking Commission, 2018-2022; member, Lake Forest Chamber of Commerce, 2017 - present; board member, Bristol Bates Foundation, 2022 - present; board member, Rotary 5320 OC-LA, 2022 - present; advisory board member, Securing Life.

Benjamin’s statement: “A poor teenage immigrant from a humbled neighborhood in Queens, New York, I had the freedom and opportunities to find my Lord, serve my country, and give back to my city. My faith is my guiding star to living the journey of my American Dream and the passion to serve my community. I’m thrilled to make our neighborhoods more inclusive, accessible, and affordable. Together, we will make it the best place to live, work, and play while maintaining our small town's quality of life.”

2023 Community Services Commission


The City of Lake Forest is accepting applications to serve on the Community Services Commission. Applications must be submitted online using this form and must be received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.

The Community Services Commission advises the City Council on matters pertaining to the acquisition, development, and maintenance of public parks and recreational facilities. The Commission also advises the City Council on matters relating to recreational programs and provides advice to the Community Services Department.

This Commission meets the Wednesday after the first City Council meeting of each month, at 6:30 p.m. Commission members pledge upon appointment to represent the overall public good and not that of an exclusive group or interest and will sign an Ethics Policy upon appointment to the Commission. The City assigns a staff liaison to work with the Commission and facilitate communication between the Commission and the City Council.

In addition to attending the regular monthly Commission meetings, Commissioners are expected to periodically attend and participate in City programs and activities. Commissioners receive a salary of $59 per meeting, not to exceed $118 per month.

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Please limit your responses to 100 words each for Questions 7-10.

Tell us about your relationships to Current Council Members or Employees. Please limit your responses to 50 words each for Questions 11-13.

Tell us about your understanding of government: Please limit your comments to 100 words each for Questions 14 & 15.

Tell us about your vision for the City: Please limit your comments to 200 words each for Questions 16-18.


The following attachments are part of the reference materials for the application:

Applicant Verification

I attest to the following: 1. I am a legal resident of the City of Lake Forest. 2. I am registered to vote in the City of Lake Forest. 3. I am able to attend Community Services Commission meetings that are regularly scheduled on the Wednesday following the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. 4. I have submitted a Statement of Economic Interest, in accordance with the Political Reform Act. 5. I understand this application is a Public Record and may be made available to members of the public upon request, with personal contact information redacted. The information provided in this application is true and accurate.

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2023 Planning Commission Application


The City of Lake Forest is accepting applications to serve on the Planning Commission. Applications must be submitted online using this form and must be received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.

The City's Planning Commission is a decision-making body tasked with reviewing matters related to planning and development in the City. The Planning Commission consists of five members which are appointed by the City- Council with Commissioners serving four-year terms. Typical projects reviewed by the Planning Commission include applications for new development, proposed changes in zoning or the text of the Municipal Code, as well as review proposed subdivisions of land. The Planning Commission is also responsible for making recommendations to the City Council as to whether a project or action would be consistent with the General Plan.

The Commission meets on the same week in which the City Council holds their first meeting of the month on Thursdays and meetings commence at 6:30 p.m. In addition to attending the regular monthly Commission meetings, Commissioners are expected to periodically attend and participate in City programs and activities.

Commissioners receive a salary of $118 per meeting, not to exceed $236 per month.

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Please limit your responses to 100 words each for Questions 7-10.

Tell us about your relationships to Current Council Members or Employees. Please limit your responses to 50 words each for Questions 11-13.

Tell us about your understanding of government: Please limit your comments to 100 words each for Questions 14 & 15.

Tell us about your vision for the City: Please limit your comments to 200 words each for Questions 16-18.


The following attachments are part of the reference materials for the application:

Applicant Verification

I attest to the following: 1. I am a legal resident of the City of Lake Forest. 2. I am registered to vote in the City of Lake Forest. 3. I am able to attend Planning Commission meetings that are regularly scheduled on the same week in which the City Council holds their first meeting of the month on Thursdays and meetings commence at 6:30 p.m. 4. I have submitted a Statement of Economic Interest, in accordance with the Political Reform Act. 5. I understand this application is a Public Record and may be made available to members of the public upon request, with personal contact information redacted. The information provided in this application is true and accurate.

Sign above

2023 Traffic and Parking Commission


The City of Lake Forest is accepting applications to serve on the Traffic and Parking Commission. Applications must be submitted online using this form and must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 24, 2023. There is currently one seat available on the commission.

The Traffic and Parking Commission advises the City Council on issues relating to parking and the safe and efficient movement of traffic, including vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and other modes of transportation upon the circulation network of the City. The Commission will provide recommendations related to traffic and parking including, but not limited to traffic and parking related field studies, requests for traffic control devices, requests for permit parking and street sweeping parking restrictions, and other related matters.

This Commission meets the Monday prior to the first City Council meeting of each month, at 6:30 p.m. Commission members pledge upon appointment to represent the overall public good and not that of an exclusive group or interest and will sign an Ethics Policy upon appointment to the Commission. The City assigns a staff liaison to work with the Commission and facilitate communication between the Commission and the City Council. In addition to attending the regular monthly Commission meetings, Commissioners are expected to periodically attend and participate in City programs and activities.

Commissioners receive a salary of $118 per meeting, not to exceed $236 per month.

仅限 1 个文件。
大小限制 2 GB。
允许的类型:gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip。

Please limit your responses to 100 words each for Questions 7-10.

Tell us about your relationships to Current Council Members or Employees. Please limit your responses to 50 words each for Questions 11-13.

Tell us about your understanding of government: Please limit your comments to 100 words each for Questions 14 & 15.

Tell us about your vision for the City: Please limit your comments to 200 words each for Questions 16-18.


The following attachments are part of the reference materials for the application:

Applicant Verification

I attest to the following: 1. I am a legal resident of the City of Lake Forest. 2. I am registered to vote in the City of Lake Forest. 3. I am able to attend Traffic and Parking Commission meetings that are regularly scheduled the Monday prior to the first City Council meeting each month ar 6:30 p.m. 4. I have submitted a Statement of Economic Interest, in accordance with the Political Reform Act. 5. I understand this application is a Public Record and may be made available to members of the public upon request, with personal contact information redacted. The information provided in this application is true and accurate.

Sign above

Responsible Pet Ownership

Vet / Clinic:
20780 Lake Forest Dr., Lake Forest, CA 92630, (949) 600-8310
23162 El Toro Frontage Road, Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 837-5222
29040 Portola Parkway, Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 380-1255
24301 Muirlands Blvd Ste P, Lake Forest, CA 92630, (949) 837-7660
22377 El Toro Road, Lake Forest, CA 92630, (949) 855-9744
3 Rancho Circle, Lake Forest, CA 92630, (949) 581-7979
26741 Rancho Pkwy Suite 105-D, Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 354-5201

Owner Information

City: Lake Forest

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